Struggling to concentrate when working? Join DeepCycles (for free!) Learn more


An occasionally updated list of things I believe

You are what you pay attention to.

Your brain changes based on how you pay attention.

The state of your attention determines the state of your life.

Attention is the most important ingredient you have to living a good life.

Attention is your scarcest resource.

You must invest your attention intelligently and deliberately to become your most productive, creative, and contented self.

There is a war being fought for your attention - and you’re too busy with busyness to notice.

You're not distracted, you're over-stimulated.

You can't control time but you can control attention.

Concentration is controlled attention. Sustained attention.

The goal of concentration is full engagement in what you intended to do.

Focusing deeply on one important thing at a time empowers you to do your best work.

The ability to concentrate is the major value lever for your professional life. It’s the single most important job skill that will never become obsolete and never be replaced by artificial intelligence (but to take advantage of AI, you need to be able to concentrate).

Concentration is foundational to developing any other skill. It is the bedrock of learning itself.

Concentration is impulse control. It is strength.

Concentration can be improved.

You've never been taught how to concentrate better.

Concentration is a muscle that needs to be developed in order to grow stronger. You cannot simply read about it and expect to improve. Just like watching videos of workouts won't make you strong. You must practice.

Concentration is hard work but worthy.


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