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How to fend off internal and external distraction so you can focus more on what matters.
Don't bother with productivity hacks until you learn how to concentrate

Don't bother with productivity hacks until you learn how to concentrate

Distraction is the 500lb elephant in the room. If you haven't figured that out and mastered that, no productivity tip or technique or framework is going to make any difference whatsoever.
Lift brain fog by reducing context-switching

Lift brain fog by reducing context-switching

It's not how long you're spending on your screen that's causing you memory and attention issues. It's what you're doing on the screen.
Use this simple exercise to stop getting lost in thought when trying to focus

Use this simple exercise to stop getting lost in thought when trying to focus

External distractions aren’t the main barrier to concentration. Your own thoughts are.
Focus better by stopping this bad habit

Focus better by stopping this bad habit

Guard yourself during liminal moments to master your attention.
Internal distractions are the biggest battleground in the fight to focus

Internal distractions are the biggest battleground in the fight to focus

What do you do when you've eliminated all distractions but you're still distracted? Look inside.


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